I too had the same issues I was working night shift in the hospital for 10 yrs I'd wake up and eat before going into work and within 10 or 15 mins after eating I'd have to run to the bathroom and throw it all right back up. I also had the colonoscopy and endoscopy done and they found nothing. I was doing the Turpentine protocol but had to cut back because I was getting bad systemic inflammation and apparently if you take it too much it can cause anemia. I was looking pale and feeling lightheaded all the time probably because I was doing it every day for 3 weeks. I'm going to try 2 or 3 times a week and see what happens. I also take turpentine, borax, and Himalayan salt baths which help a little too. My issue is whipples disease which is a bacteria I ingested from a health supplement I took years ago called deer antler velvet spray.