Re: Prescription meds during master cleanse?
Hello Sandy,
Very interesting story. -
Here's my suggestion, though I'm not a real professional at this, I have read and studied alot.
I believe you can have everything right by mainly two things, - Cleaning out and Building up.
Building up by eating foods that will deliver high quality nutrition.
Cleaning out by use of the master cleanse, a good liver flush, a good colon cleanse, and a good kidney cleanse.
You have to clean out in order to absorb the nutrition from foods. You have to build up in order to start
The Master Cleanse ( this seems obvious if you can't come off of the supplements right now, and you would in order to do the master cleanse).
I recommend books by Ann Wigmore to learn about super nutrition and what foods to get it from. ("The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program" is a good one.)
You could start on either
Colon Cleanse or
Liver Flush for cleaning out. Look around this website for information on those.
Those are my suggestions, I hope they are helpful. This is also how I am approaching health right now. I dont think there is a limit to how high one could raise his/her health to.
Good luck