I would encourage you and anyone else looking to go to a healthier diet/lifestyle not to think of your new food choices as "replacements" but just a whole new exciting discovery and different way of eating. I have met quite a few number of folks that consider themselves vegetarians doing it for better health and you go to their house and a vast majority of what you find there is just more packaged processed "replacement" type crap that they buy at the health food store under the guise of vegetarian health food.
There is a cornucopia of different spices and flavors and foodstuffs to try. The health food industry has gotten so big that the stores are full of cheese like, meat like replacements yada yada and it's all just more junk processed food where most of the nutrition is destroyed by the over processing.
Probably the single best thing anyone looking for a healthier life style can do is to start juicing organic veggies. The digestive system has to break down things into juice in order to digest them . When you juice the veggies you have already done 80 or 90 percent of digestion by taking the fiber out and then the nutrients can be readily absorbed by your system with little effort. Drinking a 16 oz glass of veggie juice is probably the nutritional equivalent of eating 20 or 30 pound of veggies or more.