i have 17 years of history of tests. do you know, they had my ins co call my new drs, my md and kids pediatrition-and more or less said i was crazy, not to take me in as a new patient. i have seen alot in my day, but that took the cake. so i had to find new drs-not to go to....had my hr director at the time tell me to request my med records, so i did. and i was more shocked, one of the derm specialists had sent me to an university to a specialist, and even they renigged on what was said at my appt.....big bro got to em all. we are on our own here. that's why my post seemed so extreme. also, i just seen a utube on a previous air force pilot and her superior said the same thing to her as was done to me-they threatened to take my kids away and institutionalize me. sorry, but there's a pattern here. she was more or less in charge of safe environments, makin sure things weren't above safe levels for soil, h20, air, ppl.