I am rather new to this site so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. My animals had Tapeworms and I am 98% sure I have them but I wasn't sure until a few weeks later when I started seeing them in my feces. I called my doctor and I brought her the sample kit completed on Friday. She has not prescribed any medication. I called back today and no test results. I told the nose I fell the in my eyes nose and under my skin. She said there is nothing they can do until the test comes back and they don't know when that will be. Should I just order the meds online for abendzole or is it safe to wait a few more days. should I demand she start treatment even though she doesn't know. I am having vision problems as nd mass headaches. I am terrified to use over the Internet pharmacies but the crawling is driving me nuts. To top it off I am unemployed so I don't have much money to even buy the drugs. I am so scared I am going to die or something. The health clinic seems not to care should I wait a few more days or no?