Re: Morgellons/Parasites/Fungi/Progozoa??? These are in my skin, recently coming out in very painful (very sharp) die-off from the Mebendazole I'm taking (400mg 1x day).
Re: Morgellons/Parasites/Fungi/Progozoa??? These are in my skin, recently coming out in very painful (very sharp) die-off from the Mebendazole I'm taking (400mg 1x day).
I had these. When they emerge they are hairlike and curl up. Some have a check mark like tail. Some get long like two inches and most are the size of an eyelash. The closest id i could get was a type of mansonella but could never find out if mansonella is black. If you do get an id let me know. I soaked in borax and peroxide for ten days straight these came out by the thousands. Ivermectin and 9 weeks of doxycycline is what cleared them. they are some type of filarial infection that lives in fatty tissue. I think the vector is a mite.