I have traveling Body Odor . I've left the US and now living (barely) in Mexico. When I am home, the odor travels 200-400 feet to my horror and dismay. I've tried everything from heavy metals cleansing, body cleansing, chelation therapy, ozone therapy (rectal insufflation and blood), to no avail. I am currently using an intense sauna known as temazcal and biomagnetic therapy every week and have found that the odor is intensifying and not abating. It seems the more I work on it, the worse it becomes. I also discovered that I have a problem metabolizing the amino acid leucine which means proteins and vegetables high in this amino acid cannot be consumed without giving off a smelly foot odor. I eat organically grown vegetables and find that some of what I've been eating are high in leucine. This seems hopeless and I'm ready to throw in the towel. Anyone out there going through this hell, let me know how you are dealing with it please.