I found this to be incredibly helpful. I'm about one month into 10 cc twice a day.
I have a lot of movement on my back. It's almost stopped. Very heavy infestation of something-- mites or scabies. They definitely seemed to be in nests or large stock piles. They particularly like my back and ribs but also went down my side along my pelvic bone and down legs and arms. I feel like I had a huge burden of mites which I'm finally coming to the end of.
I also needed topical treatment. I found benzyl benzoate to be helpful. Also 0.5% ivermectin cream for heavy areas, and I've also tried topical albendazole with good results.
I do not know how I was infected but it's been the biggest medical challenge of my life. I sincerely believe the protocol here saved me, and definitely saved my marriage.
I'm not completely cured yet but the difference in one month has been incredible. Thank you so much.