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What type of parasite does not die or get effected by dr Clark protocol?

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Bigisland Views: 708
Published: 8 y

What type of parasite does not die or get effected by dr Clark protocol?

What type of parasite does not die or get effected by dr Clark protocol?

I've done a few protocols now last few years, and now starting my 4th time and no die off except bad headache a couple weekends ago.

So I still feel this big thump in intestines when it's mad after I take my Wormwood Black-Walnut and cloves.

Stool samples come out negative. Can I take certain meds to get rid of this big guy that isn't effected by these herbs and just take a guess what this thing inside of me by taking something new to get it?


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