I feel you I been dealing with this since 2 years ago , first year was horrible one every two months , I took homeopathic pills , and serrapeptase but it did not work for me very good , then I start to take vitamins , vittagummies , not even expensive , huge change !! I have one after 8 months and now here im with another one I hope they start to appear far from each other or one day they just disappear , phoebes remedy is the best , I tried everything , charcoal activated , tea tree oil by itself (burn like hell ) and the best is phoebes remedy and my advice is when is all painful and impossible to walk yes I know it sounds hard but when it come to that point is about to burs , help it with hot sitz baths , really long if you can stay one hour stay there it will burst fast after that , another tip , for me hot tub did not work the best was the sitz bath from the pharmacy if you have any question I can share or help