Re: Will there be health benefits of fasting while overweight? Also would love some support.
You have nothing to lose with fasting. Even one day of fast is great for your health. It is great that kids see what mom is doing and that will proove to them that mom is getting healthier and looking good after a fast. But it is a good thing to educate yourself first about fasting. You can search my posts and get the PDF of Dr. Shelton's book. He was a great pioneer of fasting and human health.
One simple rule about how nature makes things is, it creates life with a program that the life does not get to eat everyday all day and that is ok. All living things are designed not to eat everyday. If nature did not build life that way, it would fail. All life would die rather faster than we are used to seeing. Also those who eats lesser and fast intermittently live longer.
Don't beat yourself up about misgivings. Just drink warm water, rest and stay warm for successful fast. Yes, don't brush your teeth with anything but water, scrape your tongue as often you can to get the gunk out. The mucus dripping is good, but try and spit it out.
If you get pains, aches take
Epsom Salt baths. If bath is not easy then soak your feet in warm water with
Epsom Salt for half hour everyday.
Good wishes.