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Re: QUIT QUIT QUIT... all i can think
Flowerchild Views: 1,039
Published: 20 y
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Re: QUIT QUIT QUIT... all i can think

Hey Billiehue, glad you are feeling a little better. I was feeling lousy on day 2. I kept thinking "what am I doing???" My headache was excruciating and I just wanted to lay down all day. But I also kept thinking, "Is food going to make me feel better?" and I thought no, it's the caffeine most likely. Anyway, had I not made it through day 2, I would have never gotten to day 3. When I woke up on day 3, I felt incredible. Aside from a few down times (mainly at night when I was most likey detoxing) I have felt amazing. I have great energy and a clear mind. I can't remember feeling this good for a long time. You will get there, just keep going! And make sure you drink enough lemonade- I drink approximately a gallon a day, and do the SWF- you have to get the toxins out. I woke up one morning feeling shaky and hot, like I had a fever, and I did the flush and felt great. It is that simple. Good luck, you can do it!


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