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Re: Possible progress (Candida, Parasites, Body Odor)
keephope11 Views: 2,083
Published: 8 y
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Re: Possible progress (Candida, Parasites, Body Odor)

Hey mate sorry for taking a while to reply, I haven't logged on in a while but I think I'm going to start posting more often.

How's it going? Any improvements so far? Are you still eating pork? I'd stop meat altogether especially the pork. I think pork is the reason why I have this parasite in the first place as I was a HUGE pork eater.

Yeah man suicide isn't the answer. There are a ton of things and protocols to try out before giving up. For example, I have never done enemas or colonics and i'm finally having the courage to schedule one next week. I just finished my first 7 day green juice fast and it went well. Are you cleansing at all?

Let me know how you're doing I'd love to give advice and just work with each other, we're in this together.


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