I found some past posts that I wrote about EPO. I guess 2,000 mg per day didn't heal my lips. I wrote
"I thought the Evening Primrose Oil was working alone the first week since my raw lip skin was sensitive or tightening up. It seems to help grow skin on raw area, but the skin does not stay permanently on...at least so far with me."
I was also concerned about its interference with iron absorption since I've been low in the past and weight gain experienced by another member from it. In another post I wrote, I complained about how it made my knee joints feel like they were filled with fluid so it was harder to walk. EPO affects the joints so it must have been related. Perhaps weight gain is due to fluid retention. I thought I had digestive issues, but the joint issue may have been the reason why I stopped taking it in addition to not progress stopping after a week.
To answer someone else's question if you need to keep taking EPO. Another member who took it in the past posted that it needed to be continued to maintain results.