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Re: What is causing this?
propaul Views: 3,530
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 23,780

Re: What is causing this?

Hi Rjones,

When I get constipated it raises my Sugar level very rapidly. In fact if I don’t have my normal daily 2 or 3 bms, my blood Sugar climbs to over 180 mg within a day. So I watch myself very carefully and if I feel that I am getting constipated I take an immediate cleansing enema.

Try to avoid constipation completely. You may need to adjust your diet. Less carbohydrates more veggies and fiber. Take a bulk laxative, such as psyllium husk powder with lots of water. Take a mild laxative such Triphala. Try taking a stool softener. Use whatever means to avoid constipation.

When I was in the hospital for my so called “hearth attack” they discovered that I had diabetes. Nary a word about constipation from the doctors but one of the nurses told me that I had to avoid it like plague if I was to overcome high blood sugar. She suggested using stool softeners on a regular basis. I followed this routine but pretty soon the stool softener did not work. I had to double the dosage. And then that did not work. At that point I decided to study my problem and read a lot including the forums of Curezone.

I found that doing, on a regular basis, bowel cleanses, kidney and bladder flushes and Liver Flushes would keep my digestion working properly, prevent constipation and keep my blood pressure in check. Of course my new diet was part of the treatment.

If you read my message on this forum, I mention that I have a routine I do every week, another every month. It all adds up to keep my blood Sugar low and also keeps my triglycerides within reasonable limits.

If you have any question don’t hesitate to ask. I will try to answer question that you may have.



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