20 y
Re: to #36617
That is all very interesting blueduck but most diabetics ARE NOT
Sugar addicts. In fact they have been trained to avoid
Sugar and replace it with unhealthy substitutes. There are worse things for diabetics than table sugar. Watch your blood glucose level after eating white bread or corn flakes. Let's get realistic here and stop blaming
Sugar for the worlds evil and for the cause of diabetes. That is being over simplistic. Diabetes is much more than eating sugar, yet thats what people relate it to. A diabetic needs to control the entire diet not just sugar intake. Portion control is essential to diabetics as well. The amount you eat, even if it is on the low GI side may shoot up your blood glucose level if you eat a lot of it. Diabetic need to be aware of that.
It is sad that people relate diabetes to sugar addiction.
Would you rather people replace sugar with suagr substitute? No, of course not, lets teach moderation and portion control, and learn what effect our own bodies and what will contribute to our health. Eliminating foods completely is not healthy either. We all know that it leads to stress (which is extremely damaging to the body) and inevitably falling off the diet.