Constipation is a well known side effect of Maalox.
Another problem is: you decided to take Maalox during a water fast.
General experience of most people practicing
Water Fasting is that it is very dangerous to take anything but water during a water fast, and especially is dangerous to mix a
Water Fast with any medications, even the most common OTC pills.
Unpredictable problems may happen when people mix
Water Fasting and any medications, even to the point of ending in a hospital seriously ill.
Medications (by common doses) are designed for people who are eating several times per day, and have never been tested on people who do not eat.
That means your reaction to any medication during a
Water Fast may be totally unpredictable and unexpectable.
It is important to learn from the experience and mistakes of older fasters.
You should definitively try to solve your current constipation problem with diet, if possible.
The idea of using enema was for the time you were fasting, as that was the time it was impossible to take any fibers and still continue water fast.