Yes, stay away from dental implants. Although some holistic dentists would test for metal allergies prior to placing implants, I'd just say to stay away from implants all together. I am on the verge of removing all nine ceraroot implants, which is claimed as to not having any metal... yet I reacted badly to these implants I almost lost my life. I developed neurological and cardiovascular problems out of the blue, and soon after the implant surgery. I had very severe migraine headaches, skin growths and discoloration and my immune system was lowered. Drs couldn't tell me what was wrong and thought I was a hypochondriac which made me feel even more depressed not knowing where I could find help. It wasn't until I started paying attention to my dental health. Dental X-rays revealed an infection in my gums which were even physically sore and inflamed. Nothing I did in order to treat the infection helped, it kept coming back. So right now I'm trying to schedule an appointment with an oral surgeon to remove these toxic implants from my jaw bone before it does me more harm.