day 2
I am so excited/relieved to have found this forum. What a great space. I am on day 2 of my first
Master-Cleanse and have a couple of questions. Thank you, in advance, to anyone/everyone who should take the time to respond. Your time and energy are greatly appreciated.
Is it okay to do only the salt water flush once a day as opposed to doing the laxative tea at night,
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the a.m.?
I just did the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) this morning and was a little nervous about the results. I read nowhere in
The Master Cleanser about brown water bowel movements, so I came here to find some answers. From what i've read, the watery movemenmts seem to be "normal"; however, I am concerned about adding the laxative tea to the mix.
Will I be able to work without having to race to the toilet every five minutes?
Also, does the watery poo last the entire time of the MC?
Thanks, again for any info you have to share.
a little nervous.