So this is why you think awful things about Eric? You think because he tries to run a tight ship with his college that it smacks of the Hasidic Jews lifestyle of forbidding knowledge, separation of sexes and such?
Eric's video about pastors leading a double life would be similar to meshing your first video with your second one. So... he is saying that he does not agree with meshing the two, I would think you would think his mindset was more balanced than you do. In other words, he would not approve of Hasidic Jews having a double life like that. He understands that we are all tempted to live double lives, but living a more authentic life by living in sin or an unhealthy lifestyle is not the answer.
We can't create our own righteousness...we receive it in Christ alone. However, we do have a journey through this world that we must endure unto the end. The bible gives us wisdom on how to find freedom and success in enduring.
Why do you think the story of the prodigal son is so important to read? Perfect example of someone who probably had a guarded lifestyle growing up but like these young people in the video, wanted to experience life under their own lens and not their parents. Much like we, test the waters with God within our relationship with Him. We can trust God to give us good advise and tell us just what we need to know and how to live our lives victoriously, despite the hardships that come our way. However, our parents may not pass down to us God's balanced way of living. They are not perfect in raising us. That is why we must go to the Perfect Parent for the Way...and not the world.