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Are these parasites in my son's stool?
  Views: 573
Published: 8 y

Are these parasites in my son's stool?

Hello everyone,

My 7-year-old son has had some trouble with his stomach (gut) for about a year. For the last few months he's needed to use the toilet several times a day (often nothing coming out), and often his stool has consisted of quite little "balls".

Lately it's been worse and he's even had some watery stool leaking into his pants a few times. Today his stool consisted of tiny pieces as shown in this photo:


I can't imagine what kind of a normal problem could cause this. Does this look like parasites or eggs? I've had some parasite cleanses myself and after what I've read I wouldn't be surprised if that's to blame here.

We are seeing a doctor tomorrow, but I'd be very happy to hear some ideas before (and also after) that. Thank you so much!


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