Re: I complied a database of almost all case reports, literature reviews and clinical trials that's been done on EC.
Thank you very much for sharing. I read all 33 journals (took me a while I must admit). It’s amazing seeing some of these articles over 100yrs ago! One dated in 1911.
There were one or two of them I’ve come across before while I use to search EC on google. This one I’ve seen before and I remember reading it as it encouraged me to buy an organic toothpaste (which I haven’t used yet).
**“A patch test was done and the results were positive to toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Subsequently, the patient changed her tooth- paste and started using the toothpaste without SLS. Her scaly lesions were cleaned with hydrogen peroxide mouthwash 1% and glycerin borax was topically applied to the lesions three times a day. After three weeks of treatment, the lesions showed marked improvement (Figure 2). During one year of follow-up and treatment, her lesions gradually improved until her lips returned to a normal appearance (Figure 3). Thus, glycerin borax was proved to be effective in the treatment of EC without any side effects. Glycerin borax is safe, low cost, and simple to use in the treatment of refractory EC. Patients with a positive patch test reaction to this agent should avoid using
SLS containing toothpaste. Treatment success depends on the successful management of refractory EC by eliminating the aforementioned contributing factors. It also depends on conservative treatment”**
Never heard of glycerine borax but I might look into it.