Clearing eczema, First Parasite Cleanse help
I am a 20 year old male and I have had eczema since I was about 5. Now the last few years I've been doing really good in clearing it and I would say i'm nearly there although i've hit a road block. So at first I started I think like most finding out about diet and leaky gut etc, which has now lead me to the talk on candida and
parasites etc.
I switched to a vegan diet about a year and a half ago and my skin is so much smoother, I do not use steroids, haven't used them in years, and don't use any emollient creams like E45 all I use is shea butter. Everything I eat and put on me is natural. I haven't touched proccessed foods in 1.5 years and do not eat vegetable oils either. The only exception to this is when eating out but that is not often and it will still usually be something healthy. So my issue now is while this is all great, I feel great, I think positive and engaged more into that spirituality aspect which has helped, but it still hasn't fully cleared and I still need to apply cream in the morning etc which is my way of indicating if the eczema has gone. This has therefore lead me to believe I must have
parasites built up from before.
Currently, the supplements I take are all leaky gut related,
Warm water lemon with acv
High quality 50 billion probiotic
L glutamine
Vit D
Vit B
L lysine
Turmeric Water
Wheatgrass Water
Spirulina, Cacao and Chia breakfast
Then lunch and dinner is all goodness, fresh veg, no fruit at the moment too.
And I have an evening nutribullet with beets, ginger, ashwaghanda.
So guys I need help on where to start
parasite wise, I have bought and
Black-Walnut Wormwood tincture and dm earth, I used it for a week but didn't notice much really however I don't think it was high strength.
I have never done any sort of cleanses before, just have a super clean diet for the last 2 years, so this is the next step!
Thank you for reading this long message!