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Re: fasting (again) for weight loss, but I don't want to gain the weight back after
archus Views: 565
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Re: fasting (again) for weight loss, but I don't want to gain the weight back after

I think you are much better off then many who post here. You have homework done. I have met Dr. Fuhrman personally during one of his lectures. I agree, salad should be the center of your food plan. I try salads in different ways so it does not get mundane. I make raw vege-summer rolls, avocado salad, mango salad, zucchini and basil pesto salad, so many different things. I would include nuts and berries which are high in micronutrients and not high on glycemic index.

I like to make other dehydrated stuff like, kale chips, vege tortilla chips without corn, I also make my own chocolates. Also include, kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir and kombucha in your diet daily.

Fasting is not to be used for weight loss. It is definitely what you eat afterwards. If your metabolism slows down after a fast then you will have to figure out how speed it up. Dr. Eric Berg had nice videos on that subject.

I like EFT, a powerful tool. I had no idea how incredible it is in helping you cope with emotions and stay focused and calm. It is a worth a try.

Good wishes.




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