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7-30 day water fast
sladec1990 Views: 391
Published: 8 y

7-30 day water fast

Hey oh,

My name is Slade im a 26 year old male and im wanting to attempt a 7-30 day water fast. Im doing this for detox, better skin, mental capacity, more energy, building a healthy diet. Ive done some shorter fasts in the past so im accustomed to the process and wanted to take it a step further for a deeper cleanse. My job is inactive so that helps alot.

One thing ive noticed that worries me is my stools lately have consistently been mushy or wet with some stools inbetween normal in texture, but when i look at my stools i notice alot of white yellowy chunks the size of sesame seeds or a pea. I did some research and found things like poor digestion, cirrhosis, ibs, hepatitis, excess calcium deposits or possible intestinal parasites. I dug deeper and i dont think its parasites because none of the pieces look like a worm and the chunks r pretty hard and not soft like chunks of worms or eggs should be, that and i never been to dirty places or had a poor water supply. I guess its possible that its parasites but i think unlikely as i dont have any symptoms associated with itchy anus or abdominal pain and nausea etc. I know for sure i dont have cirrhosis as i dobt have any symptoms to that either.

Anyhoodles to get back on track im going to do the best i can on this fast and stop only when i feel my health is conpromised and play it by day, hoping to hit 30 days.

Ill share my daily progress here. Hope to get some feedback on my journey here.


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