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Re: Start my first water fasting 30 day trail
archus Views: 451
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Re: Start my first water fasting 30 day trail

Hi Smccarroll,

Great thing that you have decided to fast. If you have not read Dr. Shelton's book (there are many doctors today writing the same thing.) read that please. Basically putting anything else in your mouth but water keeps your digestive system active and the healing is slowed down. Not even teeth brushing with toothpaste or salt is allowed. The reason being if you continually eat partial foods, the body goes in starvation. Digestion system uses energy the most compared to any system in your body, you want the body to work on cleaning and healing.

My suggestion is start drinking warm water and you will develop taste for it in a few days. Also with your size you have ample fat to burn. Expect to lose 30lbs in 30 days, basically 1lb per day.

Try to walk 20 minutes a day, usually it is best to rest, drink water and keep warm during a fast, but you will lose more weight if you walk everyday.

I agree with the above poster, post fast eating is more important. Many go back to eating the way they were before. I think it will take you multiple fasts to be in normal weight range.

Eat plant based raw organic fruits and vegetables after you break your fast for a month and fast again.

Stick to your fast no matter how painful the symptoms are and you will be happy at the end.

Good wishes.




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