The length and depth of the conspiracy of the evil crowd is becoming evident. GMO food that causes cancer and the body doesn't recognize as food, Roundup or Agent Orange sprayed on crops, Over farming and taking major and trace minerals out of the soil, then the spraying of nano metal particles to control the weather that also causes cancer. Man has literally destroyed this planet. It's not just one cause. We have been hit from every angle. That's why you read they don't know the cause of Lyme disease or Morgellon's which is the same thing. It comes from everywhere. Everything on this earth has been poisoned. I've done my homework on this one after completing Doc's program here and still not well.
Another thing about major and trace minerals is that they will increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. I have used the major and trace minerals bound to amino acids. Fulvic, humic minerals. Nature still has answers. Things the evil jerks can't patent.