Does anyone know a cure for Raoultella Planticola with bright yellow-green nasal discharge & phlegm other than antibiotics?
I have a chronic bacterial infection, it was diagnosed a year ago & the culture identified Raoultella Planticola. As a result I had a FESS procedure and after that I got courses of Cipro 500mg several times.
All my problem started with UTI, pain and a burning sensation when urinating. It was treated then came back and back and back.
It developed to sinus infection, then it went to my stomach. And finally, I was diagnosed after a 5 year sufferring with chronic sinus infection and I was able to find out what caused my symptoms.
Meantime, my immun system became weak, therefore I also had constant problems with trush and viruses.
I found that the antibiotics hadn't worked well since I still have this bright yellow-green nasal discharge & phlegm almost daily.
Now I keep a very strick healthy diet, I guess that's why my body is able to fight against it.
Does anyone have an idea about what other options could be for me if not antibiotics?
Any Chinese medicine? Herbs?
So far I took vitamin D in high dose, multivitamin, sodium bicarbonate, algae, nasal spray.
I would be happy if it was end.
I am even wondering if somebody has a Japanese, Chinese friend who knows something about my problem since this bateria comes from sushi or raw fish (actually, I haven't consumed any of them) and I guess they face this bacteria more often.