Beside gluten, you can be intolerant or hypersensitive of just about anything else, the list is really endless, and as far as I know, you can take many different igG and igE tests and never pick up 100% of all possible things you are reacting to.
To find the list of all foods you react to, you must adopt the extreme
Elimination-Rotation Diet , most likely start with several days of
Water Fasting or with something similar to water fasting, like drinking just a very simple soup made from one kind of vegetable, or one kind of fruit or just a simple vegetable juice for several days until all symptoms are gone, if ever.
To eliminate any possible trigger from your immediate environment, like from your home, the easiest way is to move somewhere else, to some cottage on a mountain, to a tent on a beach or something similar. Take with you nothing from your home.
If all the triggers are eliminated properly at the same time, your symptoms may improve already after a 2-4 days.
Seaside is a good place for those who react to pollen and dust, air from the ocean may be 100% free from pollen and dust.
The biggest problem with elimination is when people who are intolerant of several different foods or other factors eliminate only one of those factors, and of course, get no improvement due to the fact that not all of the major triggers were eliminated at the same time.
If you have 10 small sharp stones in your shoes making sores and causing you to bleed while walking, elimination of just one of the stones may improve the situation a bit, but will not solve the problem, not until all of the stones are removed from the shoe.
If you react to gluten, soy, eggs, strawberries, tomatoes, bananas, cat dander, laundry detergent and pollen, elimination of just gluten may not be enough.
Some people have to get rid of their cat (and wash all the indoor for several days ), and maybe have to change the laundry detergent or have to get an indoor air filter to eliminate pollen and other particles.
If you are a person who is hypersensitive to one thing (you already know that), statistically, ods are in favor of you being hypersensitive to more than just one single thing.