8 y
I apparently smell like poop?
Hello! I saw other posts on curezone with similar stuff to this but I decided to make my own forum post. I'm not sure when this started exactly, but I am an eighteen year old male.
I have been going to high school for awhile but this school year I have been getting hints from classmates that I smell like "shit." Although this wasn't directly, I feel as though it is me as this has occurred in many other occasions than a single class.
It isn't like I can smell it either. As far as I am concerned I can't smell anything off of me at all! I shower every evening and morning, as well as brush my teeth. I would say that I am very hygenic.
However, some symptoms that I've been experiencing is bad breath just a few minutes after brushing my teeth and even scraping my tongue. Furthermore, I do suffer from constipation and have for as long as I can remember. (I've had it since I was younger.)
Could my constipation be causing the
Body Odor ? (I've read that toxins can be released from pores so this is what I've been thinking.)
Hopefully someone can help me out! I've been getting pretty depressed from this, and no matter what I try it doesn't seem to be working and people just don't seem to understand! Thank you.