This is my first time fasting. I am currently on day 4 and really have not had any issues other than a few slight headaches and leg cramps. I occasionally have a craving but I am cooking for 8 other people so that is going to happen. My question is would it be okay to fast for 10-14 days and then do a few days of small meals/lie 400-500 calories and then go back to a 10-14 day fast again? I have been eating keto for several months which I attribute to my ease in this process. I haven't told my husband I am doing this (because I eat Keto I typically eat differently so he really hasn't noticed). I tried to discuss the topic slightly and he immediately went to "that kills people, it is not healthy, etc." I suffer from fibromyalgia, bad anxiety, and PTSD so I am hoping this will serve as a detox and help me out. Is there any supplements I should incorporate (like a vitamin)? I look forward to following along here and letting people know how it all goes!!