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For real?
HgB Views: 616
Published: 8 y

For real?

Sooooo, my 2 youngest girls came down with pinworms. As common as doc says they are it's a first for me. We took pinX as a precaution (the rest of us)

It instantly made me dizzy and sick. Felt sick for 24 hours. Weak, nauseated, hot flashes...

Didn't think anything except, yep, just a side effect of medication.

Until, a few days later, I passed some suspicious oval white specs. Now, a week later I'm getting flat shaped things.

Okay, now I'm in overdrive. Completely consumed. Researching non stop. I'm currently breastfeeding so I started taking a CRAP LOAD of garlic (no pun intended).

I'm seriously freaking out. Now I'm thinking back and looking up symptoms. I started getting dabilitaing stomach pain that would wipe me out, and no set of tests could find anything wrong. I'm deepednthe catch all IBS patient. I go through phases though. Super bad for a while and happening frequently, to a long time without pain. Anyways, that's happened for the last 16 years. Also in my early twenties I developed TERRIBLE anxiety, which symptoms seem to morph and change as well.

Should I even be considering getting rid of parasites while nursing?

Would it even do any good since I can't take powerful herbs?

Is this really a terribly drawn out, ongoing battle for everyone?

I'm scared. I'm even more scared to poop.

And just like lice. You hear someone has it, your head itches. Your kids get pinworms, your butt starts feeling itchy. You read the parasites column on curezone, and you start feeling worms all over your body.

Please, dear god, if anxiety and Depression hasn't caused suicidal thoughts, this ordeal will. I don't think I can handle it.

Even freakier....I read that females can experience worms coming out of the vagina. SERIOUSLY?

I feel like I'm part of a discustingly disturbing movie right now.

I take it back. I don't want to know even if they are there! I feel like I'll never be the same.


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