Hallelujah. Bartholin cyst hell over. I've been blogging home remedies to avoid surgery and today I didn't think I could stand the pain but then it drained! Started Friday, was uncomfortable Saturday, became really painful Sunday, limped to doctor on Monday to be told it was not infected nor was it that big but they could do surgery or I could wait for it to drain, Tuesday I took advil and went to work but could barely move, Wednesday I could not move at all till it popped. Over the days I tried lots of stuff. Did shots of apple cider vinegar, Epsom Salt baths several times a day, slept with turmeric and coconut oil on it, took Mucinex Monday and Tuesday, switched to silicea 30 on Wednesday morning and alternated apple cider vinegar on cotton on it and Tufts pads with witch hazel during Monday and Tuesday nights. When it burst I had decided it was unbearable but now it's healing. So so grateful for online forums. No surgery for me.