8 y
Healing scar tissue and candida/parasites/bacterial infections. Can they impede skin/scar healing?
I have some pretty dense and fibrous scarring which is also indented on my chin. In a state of psychosis on psychiatric drugs (I'm no longer on them) I completely picked through my skin all the way which left a few really indented scars. Then while still on the drugs I used a very long dermaroller combined with a 30% salicyliic acid peel- I know, I was nuts and in complete psychosis.
Now I have the scars. I have had several C02RE fractional laser treatments last year as well as subcision with filler underneath. I am looking to get rid of the dense and fibrous scar tissue more than anything because I want my skin to be healthy.
I was doing massage with castor oil for like 3-4 months then switched to a product called AVOGEN 302- I felt like I was starting to see good results, but then I developed a weird rash on my breasts and stomach which wouldn't go away, along with severe muscular burning most of the time. I sought out a practitioner who muscle tested me and I was diagnosed with Candida, Giardia, and a few other fungi and bacteria. I am now on day 3 of the candida cleanse taking holistic, not pharmaceutical herbs and using an organic anti-fungal cream on my rashes. The rashes are looking way better but my scars now look way worse. I'm wondering if they' have a fungus or something in them? Should I treat them with a topical antifungal as well?
Could the candida or the
parasites affect my overall skin healing of these scars? What would someone recommend as best treatment options moving forward for this very dense scar tissue?
I eat EXTREMELY clean (no sugar, no dairy, corn or gluten) and have for 11 months and do
coffee enemas daily.
Also/FYI- I know now that my "mental illness" started with an undiagnosed candida infection which led to me being put on these psych drugs which started the last 15 years of hell for me. I am off of all drugs now and have no need for them, although as I am doing this candida cleanse I'm experiencing anxiety and skin itching with a vengeance.
Thank you to anyone who has any advice.