I know the feeling. I have been suffering from this psychologically debilitating condition since my childhood. It is always annoying and depressing at the same time, when people casually tell you "have you tried chapstick?" "Why don't you just peel off the skin?". It's like I enjoy having this crap on my lips, ruining every bit of self esteem and social confidence I have. I am envious of people here who have atleast had the chance of enjoying life and only recently started suffering from EC, because at least they have memories of what a normal life feels like.
That being said, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Every day is a struggle to keep going. I have and still am trying to divert my mind towards physical fitness and actually trying to go to med school so I can fix this for myself, instead of relying on countless dermatologists and gastroenterologists and what not that I have consulted.