Can someone identify these microscope images?
Hey all.
Can someone identify the thing that's in these two images?
I've been chronically ill slightly for most of my adult life, suffering from chronic fatique, chronic sore throat, ear problems, balanitis, swollen lymph node under ear for many years.
I've also had night sweats, depression, heart problems etc.
I've done a lot of
parasite cleansing and got rid of many kind of worms. Also done five
Liver Flushes - got out hundreds of stones.
I have also tested myself with a SCIO machine and got rid of smaller
parasites with that, herbs and my rife machine.
I'm feeling a lot better than a year ago, but I still suffer from fatique, swollen lymph node and clicking ears, and I can't do any sports without feeling worse and getting really swollen lymph nodes and tiredness.
I'm sure I have a low level infection in my body, and I've had it for years.
I'm suspecting that some sort of yeast infection is my last issue, and bought a microscope to check out my phlegm (I have scraped this thing on the images out of my tongue).
I have tried the dna frequencies of Charlene Boehm for all her candida freqs, but they didn't remove the problem.
I've also tried
Turpentine and
Sugar cubes a few times, take now
Iodine about 50 mg a day with the additional supplements and tried also borax for a week, but stopped it after I got too bad anxiety and depressive days. Not sure what caused it but after quitting
Turpentine and borax my mood's been better. I'm now trying to disinfect my throat with
Lugol's Iodine daily, hoping that the throat is my issue and will get better with iodine.
The question is: what's in these photos?
Is it candida? Candida Albicans or some other species?
I have a rife machine and knowing exactly what I'm dealing with would help a lot.