Re: Blood clots and water fasting- Please, answer
When not fasting, both ginger and garlic (if you can tolerate the flavours and social inconvenience) are effective anticoagulants. Onions are also useful for this.
A word of caution though - cooked garlic mullers the live enzymes that improve circulatory function, and ginger has a max. limit for safe consumption.
GARLIC: It has to be raw to work. Finely chop or crush, sprinkle on whatever food you can add it to (eg salad), and consume within 10 mins for maximum benefit. Then say goodbye to your love life for the next 3-4 days. If you can find it, Spanish white Morado is prob. the best for circulation, but other varieties can also be used.
GINGER: 2-3g daily is well within safety limits, and you shouldn't exceed 4g per day.
Most conventional treatments invlove the use of drugs based on warfarin, which is a rat poison. Says it all really, doesn't it? Got a health problem? I've got a poison for that. Big Pharma history in a nutshell.