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Re: Is Genesis History?...
loquat1 Views: 426
Published: 8 y
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Re: Is Genesis History?...

Have no fear, I will certainly investigate further when time permits - it's a scarce resource at the moment. And thanks for the links.

For the avoidance of doubt, I don't question the divine creation of the universe. I simply have serious doubts about the Ussher-Whitcomb-Morris school of timescales. Stellar evolution alone, which has been witnessed in all its phases from birth to 'death' in different regions of the universe, requires billions of years to complete.

Our own star is about halfway thru it's 9 or so billion year life cycle. It has enough hydrogen fuel left to remain relatively well-behaved for the next 3 billion years or so. Those kinda figures make no sense in the context of a young universe. Stars do not die out after a few thousand years. If they did, the observable universe would be full of supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.

Yet we know that stars die, because although rare, their death throws have been observed. At the very least, the jury is still out for me on this question for this and many other reasons. But if it turns out to have scientific credibility, that would be right up my alley.

Hope that film makes it overhere (UK). If you get any news about that, would appreciate a heads-up.



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