Re: Is Genesis History?...
Science has a narrative. Challenge that narrative and you will be written off. Hint at a creator and you will finish your career in secular
Science . When
Science will not even consider a creator as a data point it shows it is not subjective.
The issue of time is another off limits issues. I used the rock sample as a single example. Creation science has written tons about this issue. I do not have the time to collate this information. It is readily available in regards to isotope decay and dating methods such as potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, or radiocarbon dating.
In regards to lightyears, I was actually discussing doppler shift with my daughter as it was not covered in the movie, and was another data point I wanted to reinforce. God created the earth on the 1st day. Stars and galaxies were created on the 4th day. It is not a stretch to conceive that God would bring that light to the earth from those objects. So in the beginning these remote object with light millions of light years away was immediately brought forth to complete the system.
Just as in a single day he created plants and within one solar cycle they were there.
The discussion is really a discussion of paradigms.
I wish I had time to enumerate these concepts further, but time does not allow me to do so.
I do encourage you to see the movie, and maybe spend some time looking at the information in regards to radiological dating methods from creation science.
Here are a few resources to start.