Same Old Same Old
I have done it! The ticket is sensible diet and exercise! Really really!
In a short fast (ten days), a lot of what you lose can be water, and the stuff you cart around in your intestines. When that is replaced, you will regain some weight.
However, long term weight loss depends entirely on calories in vs. calories expended. Choose a
healthy Diet you can live with in the long run, and an activity you can look forward to at least 5 days a week. You will not only keep the weight you have lost off, you will continue to lose slowly but surely if your activity exceeds your input! Simple math.
The idea is to eat the right things, in reasonable quantities, MOST OF THE TIME. Of course an occasional candy bar or slice of pizza is not going to be a problem, unless you slide and find yourself eating the wrong stuff... MOST of the time! The
Master-Cleanse can be a wonderful tool to put you back on the right track nutritionally. Eat a good pre-cleanse diet for 3-5 days, do the
Master-Cleanse for 10 and the cleansing diet for at least a week after and ... voila! You are back on track.
Paavo Airola, author of the wonderful How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young with Juice Fasting, recommends we fast a day per week, three a month and ten twice a year. I am not there, but each time I fast I see the logic. A day per week requires a clean diet a day before, day after. That's three days a week on the straigth and narrow. And when we are clean, the wrong foods still call to us but we do not hear! Three days a month require a day before, day after clean diet/break, which makes it 5-6 out of the month in a cleanse. And then, ten days twice a year...
Is this possible? The more I fast the more I enjoy that clean, light, empty feeling. I would like to incorporate it in my life on a very regular basis. This program sounds very attractive to me.
But I'm not there yet!
Best to all,