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Re: Please help identify and an update
Positive mind Views: 1,745
Published: 8 y
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Re: Please help identify and an update

It depends on the infection(s). The small filarial worms can be rhe babies the big roundworms elsewhere in the body birth, or they could be a smaller filarial type of worm. In any case, it is a stage which can appear and they usually attack the eyes, brain, skin etc. They do lots of damage. First aid meds for these are DEC and piperazines and ivermectin. Doxy is important to kill the bacteria they carry and it kills some species and weakens many. It also helps with the die off.
Takes time to learn to use this site.
Sharkman posted some great resources, mostly about strongyloides but also about some roundworms i think. Look for his posts (might take a while!).
Look at these

Depends on the protocol. Most people have multiple infections so one specific protocol rarely works as you need to target many infections at once and many stages of several worm types. A combination of meds and protocols, low and slow long term dosing seems to be the way to go.
Ropeworms are different and Tapeworms are again different. Usually you group worms into flat, round, rope and thread groups, regardless of the subtype. The treatment is similar in each group. I can send you a PM on where to find piperazine but you should read about these and how they are used first. Mattk3 wrote on this extensively in his document 255 called Ascaris 123, also in his past posts.
Latest drug i have been advised and tried is oxibendazole. It works very well on roundworms.


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