Today I thought would be a bit more emotional for me. My GI doctor said what I've been saying for a LONG time. I have parasites. After suffering a year with IBS type symptoms I knew it wasn't IBS. Too much material that was white and looked nothing like mucus. I told my primary i had parasites. He said "we don't get them in North America". Did a stool sample which was NORMAL.Even went as far as to bring in a colleague and practically laughed me out of the office. A little over a month ago I decided to take matters in my own hands.
I ordered Hulda's cleanse. It got small looking things out and big and small liver flukes. I decided to go to a GI with my concerns. He ordered a upper and lower GI. That same day I decided to do a garlic enema. I had a stool and as I go to wipe and see a clump of poop swinging I'm between my legs from a HUGE WORM.
Today I took it to my GI. He confirmed.i Do have parasites. It's an adult tapeworm. He gave me scripts for albenza and prazi.
Very validated when every painted me as a psychotic. Listen to your body I now embark on a fight with parasites who have exactly a year head start on me.