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Thank you both for your responses. (Day 34)
FunnyBoy Views: 914
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 235,496

Thank you both for your responses. (Day 34)

I didn't sleep great last night but I slept alright. But the night before last I slept great. I really needed deep, restful sleep and finally got some. I suspect that my body pains were actually my body feeding off itself. (Again, I suspect) that it was burning abdominal fat which, frankly, is sparse. But it had to get it from somewhere. I just hope I'm not eating away substantial muscle tissue. Anyway, those pains have subsided quite a bit, thank God. I've had several bouts with various inflammations during this fast. I wanted to break the fast when I'm feeling well, not feeling awful, so I'm in a better condition to do that now. I do think that I'm going to continue for a few more days though and maybe I will actually even get to 40. Today is day 34. It's not "40 days" that I'm so concerned with. It's the fact that I've been dealing with awful chronic fatigue and chronic illness for too many years now and I really want to heal my body. I want to quit when I feel good physically. I've been putting off having lunch with some old friends and enjoying some favorite restaurants and I'll do both, eventually, gradually. The real end result of all this, for any sane person (especially after such an extended fast), is better, healthier eating habits for years and years into the future. It's a spiritual journey that I am hoping will be a catalyst to some real changes, beginning with the the relationship I have with food and eating and ultimately resulting in that vibrant health that I've read about. Thanks again for both of your responses.


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