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Major Beet Protocol Defined...

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Major Beet Protocol Defined...

I wanted to answer the question about the Mini vs Major Beet Protocol...

First off, the Mini Beet Protocol I do is the SECOND PROTOCOL (beets, carrots, celery, fennel-->phased out). I've reposted it below:


This is a juicing protocol and no apples are needed but they are recommended and no cinnamon is needed (or recommended) when doing this 2nd protocol version... This version is MUCH easier to do but it's more liquid to consume! I think everyone is going to get addicted to this 2nd version as it is also much cheaper b/c asparagus is soooooo expensive and it is NOT needed in this juicing version... so here it is:

Separately measured out : 1 cup of beets juiced, 1 cup of fennel juiced, 1 cup of 50/50 carrot/celery.... That's it!!!! Drink down and eat one apple afterward (optional)...

Let's remember that apples are eaten for the purpose of removing of detox side effects whereas in this case there are NONE b/c of the fennel (eventually can lower that to ¾ and ½ eventually b/c of not needing it as much) - over time you won't even need as much fennel though the stuff is cheap cheap cheap ... I do however recommend putting in the asparagus ANYWAY! Since it is an all around eater of every type of heavy metal there is! Just like beets are, and they provide super nutrition too... Note that in both recipes above the use of carrots with beets (whether eaten as in first recipe or juiced in second - carrots being the cousins of beets or should I say the wife since they are sooo good together - carrots provide a lotttt of calcium and force production of Human Growth Hormone - thus youthing you and providing calcium for detoxing without side effects as well as an answer to the acids inside of beets to tame them. Beets will always youth you more than carrots though, do not forget who the King is!)


Ok, the Major Beet Protocol is actually in the instructions, Robert sneaks this info in here: 

If you have anyyy major sicknesses, cancer, heart disease etc... I highly suggest you take this protocol 3 x/day with lots of veggies consumed thru day as well (and add 1 tsp, 3x/day of cayenne (40,000 heat unit is fine, never less though) as well


So to be clear:


MAJOR BEET PROTOCOL is the Mini Beet Protocol done 3x's a day with lots of veggies and adding 1 teaspoon of 40,000+ heat unit hot pepper x 3 times per day. 


If you read the book "Doctor Yourself" by Andrew Saul, he recommends adding to the Mini Beet Protocol, eating at least 2 mason jars worth full of sprouts every day. <---- This will greatly help in transforming your world

Sprouting legumes (like the garden pea) and Sunflowers, or any other major seed: alfalfa, red clover, fennel, dill, onion, garlic, brocolli, radish, etc.


I've included Robert Von Sarbacher's writings on Cooking, Food Combining, Potatoes and Chewing


            - How did he discover the synergy among various foods?
[ alot was taught to me about beets in the beginning but the more I learned the more I sought and prayed for answers to know their significance and within one year of my first year in nutrition I had discovered all their secrets (that was a longgggg time ago) . A lot of people in the backdoor of nutrition taught me how to use them, but not how to remove their detox side effects. 
 And for those of you who are doing Ormus to cure diseases or MMS to cure disease, you will note that despite being cured after a month or two only if even that…  yet the whole 2 months you feel like death warmed over, right??? But your disease is NOW GONE!  So, now you take the next 2 months to get back to normalcy and get your energy back, correct??  But the disease is gone... energy is around the corner within a month or two for most of you... once you are no longer detoxing.
  For those of you who are avid readers, you will find that beets are often mentioned in every book that mentions bowel detoxing, or liver detoxing, or kidney or blood or thyroid or skin or heavy metal or parasite or other detoxing or for fixing DNA!!!  Great but...why mention beets if they never tell you how to use beets and then give dire warnings regarding beets - this is actually quite simple to answer - b/c they are afraid to use them b/c of the detox side effects which are the same detox side effects you get from detoxing parasites or worms or using (sometimes) Ormus or herbs or lots of greens like kale and etc.   But the detox side effects with beets are worse, much worse... if you let your liver clean up after your eating of beets... So, don't do that!  Don't take beets if you are anemic, just fix the anemia first and don't take beets if you are pregnant ... unless I’m there to supervise. 
So most every book on detoxing from heavy metals to internal organs to blood to parasite to "receptor sites" detoxing, will all mention beets something like this:  "oh gee, by the way, if I haven't mentioned it yet, beets are the most powerful liver detoxifier on earth, or the most powerful increaser of stomach acid on earth, or the most powerful digestive aid on earth or the most powerful blood cleanser on earth or the most powerful estrogen/insulin/etc receptor site cleanser on earth or the most powerful etc - but even though they are the most powerful, have nothing to do with them, thank you and have a nice day..."   How is anyone supposed to get anywhere in nutrition if this is all they say on beets?? 
So how did I get anywhere when it comes to nutrition or to beets?  How did I get anywhere with other combination of foods like beets with apples and or cinnamon and or MSM (organic sulfur - prolly not wise to take when taking Ormus by the way) and or lemon oil (from pressing) and or super energy greens (as opposed to detoxing greens) and or etc. 
I learned all this then by prayer and by experimenting with nutrition experiments on myself - and having the help of those, so manyyyy years ago, who were in the back door of nutrition...
...the other combinations were also taught and learned as I did nutrition experiments on myself every other week or so... this afforded a great latitude in the ways I could understand foods and how to combine them so that I suffered no detox side effects OR  so that foods of any form would never weigh me down.  
For example... corn is the only vegetable on earth that will compensate for the potato with enzymes.  No other vegetable on earth will be able to get any enzymes thru to the body when potatoes are eaten, since the lowly potato powerhouse will envelope and eat all nutrition (enzymes/vits/minerals)  from any vegetable that is eaten with it....all b4 your body has a chance to digest or get at other nutrition... except when it comes to eating corn, (nothing frozen or canned, everything off the land) .   
Corn is the only way to make the potato (or potato with steak/chicken)  to not weigh you down ... (so, for example... this is an excellent reason to eat a potato with meat, (since it will not absorb protein - the EXACT opposite of what is taught in every food combining book in the world... )  
Let's give another example... What are Potatoes??? They are Blood Purifiers… they will eat all poisons from your intestines and help to remove filth from the blood… but b/c it does this by way of absorbing… it will absorb all enzymes and vits and minerals from anything you eat with it vegetable-wise… make sense so far??

So, if you are to eat Potatoes with Steak or whatever (chicken, lamb etc) you can ask most anyone - they will tell you how weighed down they will feel afterwards. It's like Turkey on thanksgiving, it's nap time...  But if you eat the potato (or potato with meat) WITH corn , now you do not feel weighed down afterwards? why? B/c the pancreas got it's enzymes from the corn so the pancreas didn't have to work to digest the meal the way it usually does (instead it was smooth sailing for the pancreas).  So now the pancreas uses a lot less enzymes to digest this meal, the pancreas doesn't have to work hard, ie, this meal no longer drains your pancreas to make enzymes to make stomach acid to digest a huge meal now.   I said that 3 different ways, did you understand it now?  
 The lowly potato can help to PH balance a person just in its own right (help to do this, not actually do it completely), NOTTTT b/c it added any calcium or supernutrients to your body!  But b/c like apples it picked up the garbage left behind in the intestines and blood!!!  This is why sickly and weak people and those on detoxes feel amazing relief just eating a potato alone by itself sometimes.    
So, now you have two choices for PH balancing: 
1)you can eat a potato to remove filth and excess acid from the body b/c potatoes are absorbers... the organic form of bentonite clay is the best way to describe them,  OR (2)you can eat super Barley greens or massive calcium rich teas or herbs to PH balance you - thus the body  instead now PH balances itself by using up its nutrients (mainly calcium, 2nd-arily potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron) to counterattack filth or acid or poison in the body so that you remain PH balanced... 
Potatoes only help to PH balance, make it easier to use other things to PH balance you... they will not PH balance you completely by themselves.
Now does PH balancing make a little more sense?  Either remove the filth from the body with items that remove such filth (potatoes, apples, etc) without using up nutrients, or you use up your own body nutrients to nuetralize filth(or get them from superfoods hopefully)  before it harms you... what would you choose? I would do both, putting potatoes in my diet 1 - 2 times a week.  Something like that... 
You measure someone using a PH strip on their urine, then they eat a potato now they are less acidic... potatoes are specifically for absorbing all things evil in the body.  They are poison removers... but they come with a catch...if you eat potatoes with any veggie (except corn), your body will have to work doubly hard to digest both potato and veggie and yet get NO nutrients nor enzymes at all from the veggies!!! But had to work to digest those veggies anyway for nothing!!!  So, eat your potatoes with corn... so that there is no burden on the pancreas.
Next is that the truth behind food combining is quite laughable - saying that proteins and starches (uh, say chicken and rice) must never be eaten together b/c they will rot in the stomach ... LOLOLOLOL... OMG, this is so silly it's scary.  They ONLYYYY rot in the stomach of people with low stomach acid (everyone in an industrialized country basically). 
Let me explain, what they said really and should have said explicitly is : "this only applies to industrialized countries where they eat filth all day and have no stomach acid like a normal person would...therefore they should not eat these items together... "  but to say it is science to say "no protein with starches" just b/c we American are sooo messed up internally b/c of endless fatigued pancreases and no stomach acid - this is not science, it's absurdity... EAT  your veggies with your beans and rice and meats! Then no more stomach acid problem, and relief for the pancreas again…Chew VERY well, then no more stomach acid problem, and relief again for the pancreas! (since saliva predigests and DE-ACIDIFIES so that you DO NOT NEED calcium etc  to be used up in  PH balancing you, why?  b/c it was NOT acidic food in the first place, why??  b/c you chewed your acidic food well enough til it became NON-acidic! Thus relieving the pancreas even more so!! )
Well, this food combining info could use a much more huge explanation but I will stop here.  I am not a vegan but I do eat a lot of raw foods, I follow what you might call a Bible diet... if that helps...

The point is that food combining does not in general even apply to raw foods, and what's with the no vegetable with fruit nonsense? Anyone ever heard of a salad before????? (ie, vegetable with fruit?) that's why food combining is  total confusion not just to you but to the people writing the books on food combing!!  This whole industry is just full of disinformation and confusion, on purpose... but to get thru that confusion is really not so hard... 
A little experimentation, sending things out to analysis labs, and the help from people in the back door of nutrition is all you need to wade thru an endless array of a world where their only true religion is :  Supression of Truth]
             - Are the great combinations of foods only within the vegetables and fruits or does it extend to the grains, dairy and meats as well?
[well well well... look at this question... isnt' this amazing... what an interesting question... it most certainly does extend to the grains dairy and meats as well... for example there is no enzyme product on earth that can compare to the powdered pancreas of lamb or beef for enzyme quantity and quality and repair of our own pancreas with the relief it supplies....
Also there is an ancient recipe of the ancient Jews, called Pulse....let me tell you the story.. this is quite amazing. First in reading about this yearsss ago I was intrigued to know the ingredients and at first guess it was seemingly obvious.  It had to have powdered berries in there, and nuts NO DOUBT... but I knew the only way something could be THAT powerful was with only one thing, SEEDS!!! why?  b/c they are natures multivitamins... So filled with nutrients are some seeds that when eaten raw they are like taking a shot of wheat grass juice for side effects it produces...  Sure, that's  not pleasant, although it is easy to eat... esp sprouted seeds, ... 
Now if you notice what I just said, the side effects... you would've instantly guessed, too. like me, that they had to have been put into a strange combination of ratios... it's the only way you can take in that much nutrition without side effects... This is like saying, the nuts and berries would be there for the sole purpose of making this combination work by way of taking away all side effects of eating a massive amount of multivitamins and absorbing it without problems!!!  So if the recipe were ever found - it would have to show not only all the ingredients but exactly the different ratios of seeds to berries and nuts to seeds and etc etc, and different interactions In fact, the more I thought about this, the more I prayed about it, and told God “well if this recipe is around I'll need the recipe with the ratios intact” etc... lol... 
Well, few years after this, I was praying about it and said, you know what?  there's no way I'm the first to search for this recipe... Show me who found it and let me in on it!!  lol... not long after that I came across a radio infomercial where a man is talking about searching for the recipe for Pulse that seemed to bring back the youth and fatness to the cheeks to Daniel (of the book of Daniel in the Bible) when Daniel ate it instead of eating pork as all the others ate... 
Well, this man searched for it for 17 years and finally gave up, but 2 years later received a call from Harvard University saying one of their benefactors had made a huge purchase and needed a translator to translate all the papayri(he was an expert in translation of ancient Greek and Hebrew), ... he agreed and then began the story... when he arrived he faithfully went thru one papayrus after another, and then when he came to this special one... it was very odd... it read like a recipe list.... so he translated it word by word... and before he ended the translation he was already in tears.... he knew what he was reading... it was the ancient recipe for Pulse lol... 
As he told the story over the radio he recounted the strange way the Hebrews had gone out of their way to recount the necessity for being careful to make sure you got all the ratios correct of berries to seeds to nuts to etc... LOL... yes, I kid you not... now tears were streaming down my face... lol... 
Anyway, his products are now available at this location below for Pulse bars and though the powdered berries are inferior in my opinion, at least you have a good idea of what the ancient Hebrews ate in the old days and it's ability to youth you... to an extent anyway, they aren't beets after all!!!  lol... I will one day Contact Don Tolman and get the exact recipe and make it correctly with premier ingredients, (he's no longer with the original company anymore).... but until then - you can go here an knock yourself out with some Pulse...   
Now as for other combinations,  did you know there's a combination with 2 different types of starches combined with a special common spice lol...  that annihilates sugar cravings so that you can choose between either this or a kit kat and almost everyone choose this recipe  over a kit kat lol... even if they are massive sugar cravers???  and it's nottt sugary!!!  LOL...
Did you know there's another sugary concoction I make with white honey (no actual sugar) that tastes soo good and soo sweet (yet at same time balances blood sugar levels so well) that in 3 weeks of eating this, at least once  a day, you can't stand to eat anything sugary at allll anymore - for like weeks at a time!!! LOL... it contains 2 grains combined with 2 or 3 fruits of a special variety!  lol... 
Did you know that 90% of all the grains organic or not in the USA are sprayed down with mercury in the silos, unbeknownst to the organic grain growers and that it is a ferderal law that those siloers cannot be sued for this... 
Did you know that one child with DEATH allergies to wheat was then given pure wheat that was 100% NON-Genetically Modified, and NO mercury sprayed on it, and he had NO reaction whatsoever... sigh, but I digress.
Did you know there's a type of oil made from milk called Butter Oil, NOT butter  but butter oil.  Taking 12 gallons of raw milk centrifuged to make one CUP of this oil... and this oil in combination with Cod Liver oil is so ultimately powerful it will harden every cavity in your mouth (that wasn't drilled out yet) in about 3 months, but at least regrow tooth enamel on outside of teeth in about 2-3 weeks...???  

Or you can by Vitamin K2 directly and take:  For every 1000 IU of D3, take 100-200mcg of K2 (in the form of MK-7 or higher [MK-9])

You can megadose safely from 50,000 IU, to 100,000 IU, or ever greater of D3 if using the correct ratio of Vitamin K2. 

           - His recommendations on preparation of the mentioned foods, i.e. raw, steamed, blended, slow cooked, etc.
[will send that info along to Denis to disseminate... along with this email I'm sending to him to disseminate... at least info for how to cook via boiling.  
But for doing steam cooking it gets a little tricky, did you know that boiling veggies or steaming them for more than 15 mins is more than enough to kill all enzymes... thus killing your food and all it's life force... STEAMING OR BOILING!
But here's the problem and benefit with steaming... steamers are technologically deficient and never cook on all side evenly, so in genera we benefit b/c the veggies are still half raw... but if it were a good normal steamer (commercial version) then steaming longer than 15 mins would kill all your enzymes and thus the veggie too...
So if it's a quality commercial steamer then it's same thing as boiling as far as veggie is concerned, so find a nice piece of trash steamer and you will be ok, if you don’t you’re your veggies pretty much al dente (little hard) (that's any steamer in a dept store or kitchen store will do)... 
Raw is always superior in terms of amount of enzymes they contain and in amount of vits and minerals, however, there are many many weak and sick people and they cannot digest anythign raw, b/c they're pancreas can't take it. So it is necessary to cook them (correctly to retain enzymes) just to get their nutrition without having to use up much in the way of stomach acid and pancreas enzymes!!   Thus providing nutrition, (though less nutrition than raw) but not having to pay for that nutrition like you would with raw... 
So let's say that again, if eaten raw, then lottttt more fiber and lot more work for pancreas to do to create stomach acid to digest those items... lot more work for bowels too!  But if cooked, then very little stomach acid or work for pancreas (or bowels) and yet still gets enzymes and vits and minerals, do you see the logic of this???  That is, there is in fact a benefit in cooking veggies sometimes too, esp for the weak and sickliest people! 
Also all raw foods will detox you, and if you were unlucky enough to not know about apples, then you might end up going down the drain - from eating healthier than you ever had in your life, and not know why!!!  
Cooked foods will not detox you very much at all (uh unless it's aspargus or beets, then still have to eat apples after lol go figure) 
... As for slow cooked I do nothing slow cooked except beef liver and onions.... (liver is the highest source of almost every known nutrient to man)... note: beef or lamb liver, like any other piece of an animals body for those that eat meat, liver does NOTTT store toxins, anymore than any other piece of steak does, so that as much toxins as is in any steak will also be in any piece of liver...this is an amazing fallacy that is only recently started to be pushed by Drs. like there is nothing else to talk about on earth... crazy... the liver filters out all toxins, and if there is not enough bile with which to carry it out of the body the liver will simply dump it, concentrated, back into your blood stream - it will never store it! That's what we have fat gain and water retention for!  lol...
The subtlety of cooked vs raw and how to boil or steam is strangely not well known or understood and yet it is sooooo easy to understand!  This is just a small sample of examples and hopefully I've helped at least a tiny bit with this subject... I hope! see attachment for more info on cooking via boiling - to see if you completely comprehend how to retain enzymes when boiling, and thus, retaining vits and minerals...
PS I will say it again, just b/c of the way I am,  I eat a lot of raw veggies and fruits - but that's just me.  It's ok to have them cooked even if they are inferior, after all, even cooked (if cooked correctly)  they'll still YOUTH YOU, and isn't that the whole point...?? So how is cooking things so evil if they will still bring back flesh to your cheeks and erase signs of aging...inferior it might be, but not evil. ]

More interesting info from an article sent to me by a friend…

Actually, fruits are better than vegetables. Fruits digest perfectly, have the sugars we need for energy, and have all the nutrients that vegetables have. The body takes what minerals and nutrients it needs from the foods we eat and adjusts the absorption rate. Vegetables are hard to digest and cause gasses. They have to be cooked and seasoned to be edible. Trust your taste buds. Your taste buds tell you what is good for you and bad for you.

We are always told that vegetables and grains are essential in a balanced diet because of the nutrients and fiber they contain.

However, fruits contain every single vitamin, mineral and trace element that beans, vegetables, and grains have. You name it - it's in those fruits.

And yes, fruits contain less fiber, on the average, than grains and beans, but nobody can deny that when you eat lots of fruits, you do absorb sufficient fiber.

Moreover, grains, beans, and most vegetables have to be cooked, steamed, or heated in some manner before consumption. The heating originates new substances - like mutagenic HCA and N-nitroso compounds and neurotransmitter-impairing beta-carbolines – while these beta-carbolines are also constipating agents.

Why do grains, beans and most vegetables have to be cooked/heated before consumption?

Because we cannot digest these properly when consumed raw; Fruit bearing trees multiply by the means of their fruits, which contain seeds. To spread their seeds, these fruits are filled with sugars and other nutrients to make them as attractive for consumption as possible. The seeds are mostly indigestible and leave the body with the feces.

Grains, beans and most vegetables, on the other hand, contain all kind of substances that work against human consumption. We have to destroy these substances by heat because humans are not specialized in digesting plants (we do not have a crop or four stomachs, etc.) Unfortunately, not all these substances are entirely destroyed by heat, which is why consuming grains, beans, and most vegetables can cause severe pains and gas in the digestive tract.

New 'disorders' have been 'invented', like "a spastic colon", or "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", etc. because we don't want to admit that we shouldn't eat foods that aren't 'designed' to be consumed by humans; these 'disorders' are only about eating the wrong foods.
There are 2 reasons of which I am aware. Firstly most vegetables were engineered by man, hybrids, you don't see too many carrots growing in the woods...hehehe

Secondly, vegetables were made to mature to provide food fast, not slow like fruit which takes a year to mature. Due to fast growth, the organic minerals in the vegetables are too large for the body to process and are sometimes very rough on the digestive system. Most of the old medical books I have read state that most vegetables should be lightly cooked before eating so that the minerals are somewhat partially digested by the heat and are therefore easier for the body to process. Same with wheat and oats, eat partially cooked.

Fruit on the other hand, grows slowly with quickly digestable and usable minerals, leaving the body quickly with very little waste.

[had this almost correct.. it’s not hybrids that are a problem…. And lightly cooked is right but he doesn’t know what that means obviously…so little confusion here.. this is how come no one ever gets anywhere in nutrition… but the other info about accessibility to super nutrients via cooking is absolutely true!  But he didn’t even mention enzymes.. hmm, that’s ok though]


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