I have come across this site researching the dos and donts of a long water fast and have been so appreciative of the personal experiences of readers and chris's advice. I have done a 7 day water fast broken with whole tomatoes pureed into a soup with seasoning and gradually increased my dietary complexities without any adverse effects. I recently finished a 25 day water fast. I stopped before true hunger although twice in the last few days I did experience increased salivary gland discomfort in the face neck region. But no ravenous hunger so I persisted. Unfortunately at day 24 and 25 I experienced nausea and dry heaves and heart flutters and was unable to rest as much as recommended because of life situations occurring. I considered it best to break fast at this time. I began with fresh squeezed grapefruit and orange juice on day 1. Day 2 consisted of 3 cups miso soup one tangelo half a small pineapple all divided into small portions throughout the day. oh and small bowl of squash soup. in the early pm I had 2 bowls of bone broth then some cooked carrots celery small bits of kale in bone broth probably didnt even total one third cup of vegetables. Maybe not enough water and juice to counter the fiber content? This apparently was too much food for my bowels.Today is my third day of refeeding and this morning I have had 3 or 4 BM's that were very painful although soft. Large hemorrhoids bordering a prolapse resulted. I have never had a problem with hemorrhoids in my life! I am 53 years old and have had 2 full term pregnancies when younger and no pelvic floor issues. I am afraid to resume eating for fear of increased fiber and bulk may create an prolapsed rectum. Is this fear a legitamate concern? I have returned to juices and broth and will be going slow slow slow. Any advice or knowledge on this subject would be appreciated