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Order of cleanse - candida, SIBO, parasite?
superstrongbunny Views: 2,342
Published: 8 y

Order of cleanse - candida, SIBO, parasite?

HI everyone, this is my first post on here!
My partner and I suspect that we both have candida and parasites. I think she may have SIBO as well, although I can't be 100% sure. I've also had gastritis several times in the past..
Anyway, my question is - which cleanse should we do first? I have both ParaGone and CandiGone, as well as additional herbs for parasites, yeast and bacteria. I thought that I could do yeast and bacteria in one, and just eat a low FODMAP diet for a few weeks whilst I'm doing the candida cleanse, as it'd be low carb/no Sugar anyway. Should I do this followed by parasite cleansing, or the other way around? Or should I just do candida and parasite, and if I'm not better, attempt to treat SIBO? We have loads of different gastro symptoms, so I'm not sure if we should try a strict eliminnation diet or just do the cleanses first.
My symptoms are: sudden food sensitivities , nausea, lots of gurgling sounds coming from intestines(?), extreme hunger ALL of the time/hypoglycemia symptoms as well, bloating, PMDD (severe form of PMS..pain, plus extreme anger and irritabilty/ Depression before period), muscle pain (previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia), fatigue, abdominal weight gain, difficulty waking up in the morning (adrenal fatigue, too), hair loss and painful bumps on scalp/oily scalp, v puffy eyes in the morning.
My partner's symptoms: sudden food sensitivities , nausea, gurgling, diarrhoea (esp in morning), bloating, gas, muscle pain, fatigue, tingling sensations in arms plus numbness, periodic limb movement disorder (getting worse), severe chronic sinusitis (50% relieved with neti pot and grapefruit seed extract spray, headaches, memory problems/diffuculty thinking, dandruff, itchy skin...

Another concern is that I'm scared that by starting a parasite cleanse, they might migrate..?

Thanks a lot!!!



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