E. Histolytica parasite natural treatment?? Please help!
Hello Curezone. This is my first post after reading many of your posts, and I have some issues that I am hoping to get some insight on....
I have recently been diagnosed with E. Hystolytica. I suspect that I have had this
parasite for quite some time, and it hasn't really manifested in any severe way. I recognize this
parasite is quite common. Doc suggested tindamax antibiotic...but I'm not so sure? I've heard mixed reviews on the success of
Antibiotics for parasites, and frankly, am concerned they will do more harm than good, even if they do successfully eradicate the parasites. Moreover, i am relatively certain i have a systemic candida issue that i have been working on for about 2 years now with periodic
Turpentine protocols as well as significant diet changes. This has shown results, but I fear candida is still an issue as well.
I am looking for some advice on how to go about treating the
parasite without taking
Antibiotics . i have heard that the parasite isn't the main issue, but the territory which it resides (my gut) that is the problem. Thus, by addressing the over growth of yeast and bad bacteria and detritus in my gut, I will ultimately render my gut inhospitable for the parasite, and it will have to die off.
Also, of note, I have had 4 sessions of intense vomiting and diarrhea that lasts 6 hours and then disappears as soon as I get an IV of fluids spread about 3 weeks apart on average. They come on fast, and leave just as fast after I have cleaned out. I attribute these to detox, as I don't think the parasite is capable of causing such extreme isolated incidences.
I have recently gone from a very whole foods paleo, no sugar, no beer or wine, no carbs diet to a mostly raw diet.
Please, I am looking for any knowledge or personal experience you may have had with this! Thanks very much for your help!