It's amazing how you get instant energy from just a small amount of this stuff in the mouth/under the tongue, especially when held there for a while, breathing through the nose. The base formula by itself tastes very strong/potent/powerful. When mixed with maple syrup, like how it comes in the small squirt bottle, it is addicting. This is one of my favorites -probably top- besides Bottom of the Barrel, and Longevity Spices. Parasite Lure is an interesting one. L/G Blance tastes good, as I'm sure most if not all syrup tinctures do. Potassium/Iodine tastes pretty good for a tincture. As far as oils, nothing tops L/G cleanse 1 for taste - the mint makes it perfect. But besides that, I don't mind strong tasting herbs... like the concentrates... or learning individual herbs.