Re: day 12... QUESTION
Drs would have us believe we loose our hearing because the little hairs/follicles collapse and the inner ear grows old, etc…….and they like to make sure that no human can restore their hearing and that they need expensive little hearing aids.
A good hearing doctor would tell you that damaging noise can come through your skull forehead and that just putting ear muffs on is not going to save your hearing.
A tuning fork to your forehead will about knock you to the ground if you need proof that we hear through our forehead……
actually, the scientist knew that humans use to communicate world wide via their foreheads and they studied this and came up with their invention they call "RADAR"……..and actually, most all great inventions came from the study of the human body---God's best invention.
When I entered the factory back in 1976 my hearing was normal--no problems, even though I had grown up on a farm, with loud diesel tractors and shooting guns that are very hard on the ears…..etc.
6 months after in the factory, my 1 ear dropped over 1/2 and the law required yearly testing and for 30 years, it never got better. In the factory, before you entered the second door, they said the noise was as loud as an airport. The punch presses make allot of sound, especially where there are rows of them pressing out metal at over 150 pieces a minute.
Dirty blood would be number 1 problem. That yellow stuff in ears is waste from the blood stream; same yellow stuff that forms around teeth and causes tooth decay.
So basically, wrong diet leads to loss of hearing.
Chiropractic should be able to help allot---because when the neck and skull plates get out of place by eating too much foods---they can alter in their proper location and then cause restrictions and that yellow crap builds up.
EAR CANDLES 5 each side done properly with 6 drops of garlic oil afterwards will do miracles for many---only problem is finding a friend willing to spend 1/2 the day doing the ear candles for you.
The hearing sprays are based on the Dr. Christopher herbs for hearing and nerve aid…..1 fellow that does hearing testing was so excited about the hearing sprays as he was restoring his hearing that he had me make the formula stronger and stronger…… you never know what will work best for your case, but when in doubt, do it all.
An ancient chinese method.
You use your thumb and forefinger to beat your ear drum, they say do it proper and you can restore the inner ear organs to perform again…… works and easy to do if your fingers are not arthritic.
Been there and done all of this and I believe my ears are 100% equal and since I made the herbal spray 1, my eye sight has gotten better each year---so I for 1 human on this earth---can say I DO NOT BELIEVE much of anything any college degree medic author has ever written---they write to scare you and make you take your body to their brotherhood for drug treatments that end in cancers so their higher up brothers can make $$$ on your death…about that simple of their college organized crimes as they all join and obey their godfather.
Using a leg shaker will always help any situation and in this case, the ever gain with the neck option would be great….
USE IT OR LOOSE IT applies to the entire human body.
DIET is 100% the main reason for every subject you can ask about.
Good Luck,
A gallon of Herbal Hearing Spray and a bottle of oregano oil used like this:
spray neck, face/ears and little in the ears………get use to this and as you get use to it---then ad oregano oil to each bottle in larger and larger amounts--making your spray hotter and hotter and hotter…….after a year of daily spraying I would expect better eyes, better ears, better brain, better kidneys and better face/skin and after 5 years of daily spraying people may barely recognize you because they got old and you stopped aging at the same rate they are…
A good chiropractor will snap your neck both directions and make a very loud noise and never hurt you ever---------finding one that will do this proper is hard to come by…..
WE SHOULD all known that dental work will do great harm to your ears and brain---enormous harm actually.