One pill of Flagyl cleared parasites
I had BV symptoms and actually also had the symptom of watery blood from the urethra. The doctor dismissed this as coming from the vagina even though I know it wasn't , and I'm the one living in my body 24/7.
Doc prescribed flagyl pills. I know how harsh flagyl is. And I already had the gel. I took one pill. Experienced candida die off and then a yeast infection flared.
I switched to the gel and only got through 4 days before my period and had to stop.
Everything is fine now.
AND I had inflammation and pain every night around my illeocecal valve.
parasite herbs were not getting it. BUT one dose of Flagyl cleared it.
My question is: Can I use flagyl like the deworming pills we give our pets? Take one dose (pill) and 2 weeks later take another?
The ileocecal has been great ever since one pill! I'm excited and want to know your thoughts.